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This is the place to find photographs of activities and astrophotography done by members of the Platte Valley Astronomical Observers. If you have club photos to submit, please e-mail me at the link below.  Please note we have 3 great astrophotographers in our group.  It's impossible for me to keep up with all the wonderful images they create!  Fortunately they have taken it upon themselves to maintain their own photo web site.  Click "Astrophoto Guys" on the menu above to view their wonderful images.


Recent Astrophotos

Aurorae - May 10/11, 2024!

Total Solar Eclipse - Mason TX 4-8-24

Annular Eclipse of the Sun

South of Farmington NM

Time Lapse Video Here

Aurorae 4-23-23

Aurorae 3-23-23

STEVE - 3-23-23(Strong Thermal Emission Velocity Enhancement)

Next 4 images

Rho Ophiuchi and the Blue Horsehead

Winner 2022 Nebraska Star Party

Astrophotography Contest

Markarian's Chain

A Group of Galaxies in Virgo

The Veil Nebula Complex (Stars Removed)

Photographed at the 2022 Nebraska Star Party

Same Image With 50% of Stars

Lunar Eclipse May 15th 2022

The Pleiades and California Nebula - Dec 2nd 2021

Comet Leonard and M3 - Dec 2nd 2021

IC 1396 in Cepheus

M45 - The Pleiades


Comet Neowise - Photographed at the unofficial

Nebraska Star Party  July 2020

ISS-Sun Transit - 6-13-2020

Photographed by Mark Urwiller at Honey Creek Observatory

Conjunction of Venus and Jupiter

November 24th, 2019  Raymondville Texas

The Transit of Mercury photographed by Mark Urwiller

November 11th, 2019  Location - Port Mansfield Texas

Want more photo information?  Join the listserv!


Milky Way and Zodiacal light from Honey Creek Observatory.

Tripod mounted Canon 5DMKIV at 3200 ISO, Sigma 14mm f1.8 at 1.8 for 10 sec.

Dan Glomski produced this at Sachtleben Observatory!

Audio Controls Were Placed On This Page So You Can Shut Off The Sound, So It Does Not Interfere With The Video Sound.

Photos Taken At NSP 2018

The North American and Pelican Nebulae

Milky Way - Galactic Center

Milky Way - Summer Triangle

M31 - The Andromeda Galaxy

The Veil Nebula Complex

NGC 7293 - The Helix

Comet 21p Giacobini-Zinner


Bob Runyan Didn't Even Have To Leave His Backyard To Get These!

The Great American Eclipse of 2017 - Stack of 6 Images of the Corona

2 Images of the Diamond Ring!

How About Some Prominences?

Earthshine At Totality!  See the Maria/Craters?  The Earth is Reflecting Light on the Moon!

Photographed by Mark Urwiller North of O'Neill NE 5-27-2017

Photograph by PVAO Club Member Mark Urwiller 6-23-15 at Seven Hills Observatory

Solar Observing Before A UNK Planetarium Show

Dr. Mariana Lazarova Presenting On Quasars For The PVAO

Dr. Lee Powell Presenting On UNK Astrophysics Offerings

And An Observatory Grant Proposal For The PVAO

Comet Q2 Lovejoy - Dan Glomski

Comet Q2 Lovejoy From Seven Hills Observatory 1-9-2015

Lunar Halo 12-31-2014 From Norton Kansas


Partial Solar Eclipse 10-23-2014

Lunar Eclipse April 2014


Photographed southwest of Phillipsburg Kansas 3-19-13 by Mark Urwiller


Here are photos of a club observing session at Sachtleben Observatory.  Click on the thumbnails for a larger view.  Use the "back" button on your browser to come back.

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