How to join the OAS Zoom virtual meeting

Krista Testin, Planetarium Operator & Instructor at

UNO continues to host our virtual meeting for OAS

using the Zoom video conference platform. Our

meeting will begin at the normal time of 7:30 PM

CDT, but the virtual meeting will start at 7 PM CDT

to give folks time to get situated and socialize.

When using Zoom, here are some tips.

It is not necessary to have a webcam or microphone

for Zoom. When you follow the link you will get auto-

matically connected and it will ask you for video and

audio permission access. First time access you may

have a short/fast download file to run, which may

take 45 - 60 seconds. If using a smartphone or tab-

let, you can download the Zoom app in the official

app stores. Or you may use the call-in number be-

low to join via a telephone call.

While regular computer speakers will work fine, if

you are speaking as part of the meeting, it’s best to

use headphones.

The meeting will be recorded in case you cannot at-

tend, or are having trouble participating. We will

share the recording link on Discord. Recordings will

also be available on YouTube.

Zoom is available to Android and Apple

smartphones and tablets, Apple Mac comput-

ers and Windows PCs, as well as Chrome-

books and Linux computers.

Topic: OAS monthly meeting

Time: The First Friday of the month 07:30 PM

Central Time (US and Canada)

To Join the Zoom Meeting, use either URL



The password is OAS

If you wish to join by phone, the following

number is available:

+16699006833,,765885625# US (San Jose)

+13462487799,,765885625# US (Houston)

If prompted, the meeting ID is 765 885 625